Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Observing myself in technology

So lately i was observaing myself on how i use technology in my daily life. So far i use technology WAY TOO MUCH in my life from the morning i wake up to the moment its time for bed. But one thing i do is leave my phone whevener i go out and work out to the gym or work out at home or just by taking my dog aria out for a walk near the river. But even in that i use my ipod to listen to music while im on a walk with my dog it just keeps me so relaxed and takes me away from the world for a while. Its a bit of a bad habit but there is no way im dropping my technology even if someone paid me a million dollers. Well if they paid me a million dollers to stop using it i would consider it but technology is like my baby i have to keep it with me for my daily routines in life. Maybe later on in the future there will be a time that i will stop the addiction of technology but for now im just going to go with the follow.


Lately while i was at the AWC campus awaiting for my class to start i noticed so many students walking by using their cell phones. At least 90% of the students that i have seen would be on their cellphones texting or talking to someone or listeing to music on their ipods. The rest of the 10% of students would be sitting outside just relaxing or studying for an exam for their classes. Its understandable that we use technology to relax or just to talk to people from keeping us not so bored at college. In a way techonology is not so bad depending on how you use it during the day. Although i felt like a weirdo observing students from a distance it just makes you think how much we use technology in our lives every single day.

Faculty member

I interviewed a faculty member at AWC and asked about the topic if technology is good or bad. The professor had an opposing view of this issue. He thinks that students and younger kids have taken advantage of to a whole new level. He has stated that "students need to study the old fashion way...the computers are a way to use them for their personal gain and not use it for school work." He told me whenever he walks into the computer lab building he would see that the majority of time students were not doing their work. He said that would see the students would be on facebook chating with friends or on youtube listening to music videos from their favorite artists. He wants the college to make a change and not have so much technology on the campus but no not everyone is on his side to take part of that.

Student Interview

I interviewed a student from AWC and asked them what they tink about technology being bad or good for us. The student had the same reasons that i had about this topic. She was telling me how technology has changed her life and helpped her out so much when it came to school. Whenever she needed to speak to her professors of any class she would email them.I asked her what she would do if technology was taken away from us. She responded "I would die and scream if people took away technology its a big part of our lives." there are so many careers that have to do with technology even when it comes to doctors every single human being using some sort of technology including 3 year old kids are into it.


Is technology causing me to lose as much as i gain? hmm that question sticks in my mind. Well honestly i do not think so because it has become a part of my life. I need to have my Iphone with me at all times in case of an emergency. Thats what my parents have taught me about using a cell phone since i was about 12 years old. Technology is only bad when you use for your own personal gain like cheating or texting your friends while in class. People can try to take technology away from us but we will always find a way to get our hands with technology. We all need to technology because it helps us communicate with people around the world like friends, family and teachers.

Technology good or bad video

http://youtu.be/SA6j9fPnMg8 this link takes you on youtube and shows you if technology is good for kids or bad?

Thursday, November 29, 2012

New Gaming systems?

Wii U hardware
New gaming systems
Personally i love playing video games whenever i have a chance from my work and school. But when we see on television new gaming systems or the new ipads, iphone 5. It's crazy to think that people are wasting so much money on materials that is not worth it. I understand having the money to afford it let alone anything but now the majority of us have become very materialistic about the newest Nintendo system called the Wii U. When i saw it at my work it didn't catch my attention theres nothing really new about it except to having a screen on the controller while avioding the tv itself. Theres really no point in wasting almost $150 on this instead we could be using that money for things thats much more important.