Thursday, November 29, 2012

New Gaming systems?

Wii U hardware
New gaming systems
Personally i love playing video games whenever i have a chance from my work and school. But when we see on television new gaming systems or the new ipads, iphone 5. It's crazy to think that people are wasting so much money on materials that is not worth it. I understand having the money to afford it let alone anything but now the majority of us have become very materialistic about the newest Nintendo system called the Wii U. When i saw it at my work it didn't catch my attention theres nothing really new about it except to having a screen on the controller while avioding the tv itself. Theres really no point in wasting almost $150 on this instead we could be using that money for things thats much more important.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

little information of me

My life as young college student is pretty hectic i have a part time job and have full time classes in school. My goal is to graduate AWC staying in the honor roll going on to university. I love to us technology example my iphone 4 I can not go anywhere without. Technology has a huge imapct on my life because it helps me stay in contact with my family and friends. Also i can check my facbook anytime or text anyone that i can not visit here in town. Finally music i can listen to my music anywhere i go even at work when its not really busy or when i am finished with my school work.